Month: October 2023
EU Projects
Management#S&G #EUProjectManagement -
Definition and
drafting of
proposals#S&G #yourEUProject -
EU Strategy#S&G #yourEUStrategy
priorities in EU
Funding#S&G #ClimateAction #GenderEqualityIt is key to understand the European Union's strategy to effectively incorporate the gender perspective and the environmental dimension in a project.
32 New Calls for Proposals for LIFE Programme#S&G #EUCalls #EULife24
The 2024 Calls for proposals are now open! Nature conservation, climate change mitigation, and environmental innovation are the priority objectives.
beautiful | sustainable | together#S&G #neweuropeanbauhaus
The New European Bauhaus is a creative and interdisciplinary initiative that connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces and experiences.